Nickel City accepts payments through PayPal and Venmo!
Follow the instructions and link below to send payments to Nickel City Volleyball Club.
Include player name in the notes section for any fees
Important Note (mobile payment):
IF prompted about the PAYMENT TYPE:
SELECT option to send to "Friends and Family"
DO NOT select "Paying for Goods and Services" or activate "Purchase Protection"
PayPal and Venmo deduct a fee resulting in Nickel City receiving less than the intended payment amount
We will only apply the amount received to your account balance

Search/send payments using:
Email: nickelcityvb@gmail.com
Username: @NickelCity-Volleyball
QR code (pictured)
Phone verification: last 4 digits = 0507
NOTE: Payments are sent for FREE when using your Venmo balance, a linked bank account (checking or savings) or a debit card. A convenience fee will be charged to you by Venmo for payments made with a credit card.
Search/send payments using:
Email: nickelcityvb@gmail.com
Username: @NickelCityVB
NOTE: Payments are sent for FREE when using your PayPal balance or a linked bank account (checking or savings). A convenience fee will be charged to you by PayPal for payments made with a debit or credit card.